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History is probably the most involved class of my freshman year. It requires unparalleled hours of studying, many vocabulary terms to study, and countless models and people to just know. However, it can be quite fun when you get past the studying. We did many projects, most if not all of them involving a piece of technology, mainly iPads. But at the end of the day, our end goal was to pass CollegeBoard's Advanced Placement (AP) Exam. 


The AP Exam


Probably the most difficult test I have taken to date, the AP exam is designed to make you fail. Simple as that. The people on the CollegeBoard don't exactly want you to fail, but want you to learn, and they design the test to be as hard as possible (basically on a college level, hence the name CollegeBoard) to make you learn.


State Project


In this project we had to pick a country to learn all about and make a presentation about said country. I chose the country of Japan, since I knew they had a rich culture, and this was an excuse to look into it more. The project overall was very fun. I got to learn a lot of new things about Japan and Asian culture in general and I was overall very pleased with how it turned out.


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