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In all honesty, we didn't do much in the way of projects this year in math, but it's not a project-oriented class anyway. The amout of projects doesn't determine how good a class or course is. The class was mainly focused on learning and preparing for quizzes and unit tests. However, one thing that we did stood out to me in particluar...

The Advertisement Project

In this project (the only project we did all year in this class to my knowledge), we were told to create a logo for a fake company (it's purpose was my choice) using only parabolic equations. Also, we had to make a slogan for it, but this wasn't as important as the design for the logo itself. I chose to make a logo for a ski resort in the mountains. While most of the asthetics themselves were not parabolic, they were extra to the core of the logo, the mountains themselves. As asthetically pleasing as the picture was, I did get points off for not labeling my points on the graph, and not tellilng what the equations for the mountains themselves were. This taught me not only how to use a calculator better, but it also taught me to pay more attention to details, and to keep in mind the original objective of the project itself.

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